Astraterra – The Explorer’s Guide – Coming Soon!

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last update. When I started working on the layout of the English Edition I did not anticipate how things would go and I had to put this aside. Now, we are finally getting the English edition layout for the Explorer’s Guide done and it should be finished in a week or two.

The Explorer’s Guide (TEG) is the core rulebook that we often call also as the “player’s book” because it includes everything you need to create your own character and play the game.

At the same time, we are working on The Gate Master’s Handbook (TGMH) which in turn includes more details about the world of Astraterra, guidance for GM’s (Gate Master’s that is 🙂 ), creatures, and magic-like tech items of the Ancestors.

While The Gate Master’s Handbook includes most of the creatures there is a good selection of pets and some common creatures in The Explorer’s Guide that gets you started with your adventures. Also, we are trying to have a short introductory adventure released as soon as possible.

Here you can see a few sneak previews of the layout. These are still work in progress, but you can get an idea of how the books will look.

Release and Other Plans

The plan is to release TEG first as a PDF and the print version soon after that. There is always a slight chance of typos and other errors with the first release version so we would like to check the PDF version thoroughly before offering the print version.

There are also plans to offer some sort of support for the virtual tabletops. This is still being investigated, but at least Roll20 and Foundry VTT are some platforms we are considering seriously.

Website Update

We are also planning to make a quite extensive website update before the end of the year. The schedule is still a bit unclear, but this is quite high on our priority list. The goal of this update is to improve the responsiveness of the website and make it easier to find all the relevant downloadable and information.

That’s all for now. See you soon!