Astraterra is designed by Miska Fredman together with his kids, who helped to bring the world of Astraterra to life. The kids did much more than just playtesting, they invented creatures and locations for the setting and helped with the concept art – well, they drew a lot of creatures and gadgets for the game and illustrators turned them into final art 🙂
During the development there has been quite a few people helping out in different tasks from proofreading to playtesting and scenario writing. Big thanks for their help belong to Marianne Fredman, Samuli Ahokas, Jukka Sorsa, Ville Takanen, Jukka Särkijärvi and Rami Sihvo.
Illustrations for Astraterra are done by a group of talented artists. The cover is done by Olli Juutilainen and interior art by Olli Juutilainen, Olli Hietala, Jouni Nummela, Hans Zenjuga, Jari Paananen, Simo Latvanen and Oskari Wäänänen.
The English edition of Astraterra is translated by Jukka Särkijärvi.
Astraterra is published by Ironspine Press, an independent Finnish RPG publisher. Since its founding in 2006, Ironspine has released a number of well-received Finnish RPGs, Astraterra being currently its most successful tabletop RPG.
The Finnish 1st edition of Astraterra was originally funded with crowdfunding in the summer 2014.
The 2nd edition of Astraterra was published in 2018 and this edition was also the base for the English edition.