The Explorer’s Guide – Out Now!

The Explorer’s Guide is now available on DrivethruRPG. You can also find a new Downloads page on this website.

The Explorer’s Guide contains all necessary instructions for creating and gearing up your own exploring hero, as well as rules for playing steam fantasy adventures in the wondrous world of Astraterra. The Gate Master’s Handbook will have more thorough guidelines for the GM and that should come out early next year.

At the moment The Explorer’s Guide is available as a PDF, but we are working on a print-on-demand book and that should be available in a few weeks.

A Roll20 character sheet is also being worked on and Foundry VTT support and a form-fillable character sheet are in the plans as well. More news about these a bit later.

Check out The Explorer’s Guide here and while at it grab the premade characters and a rules summary here.

PS. I have made some updates here and there on this website, but I think this whole website needs an overhaul, and that is being planned soon 🙂