You can now download the first chapter of the Astraterra rulebook as a free preview from HERE. The translation is done by Jukka Särkijärvi and more is in the works.
I hope this short preview gives an impression of what kind of game Astraterra is. In the full rulebook there will be of course much more content from equipment and creatures to gamemaster advice and in addition to these today we decided that some new material will be added for the English edition. We will expand the setting and a few rules based on the feedback we got from the Finnish players through a web survey we did recently.
I had a first look at the preview and I have to say it sounds really interesting. Now I can’t wait for the full rulebook.
What I liked best was the good layout. It’s activating and clean and works pretty well with the illustrations. Seems that it’s going to be fun to read the rules.
Just one hint: I feel you forgot to translate one headline on page 13. It says “Konkarisäännöt“, but I think it should say „Veteran Rules“ or similar or have you planned to teach the player some Finnish words? 😉
Greetings from Germany,
Thanks for the feedback and the headline. I’ll fix that as soon as possible.
Ei kestä.
Headline and a couple of other small mistakes fixed now.
Will your roleplaying games be available as Pdf? Perhaps on
Yes, they will be as soon as we get something published in English. We have one translation and two original games in the works. And I hope we will have more translations done over time.
Latest plan is to have Astraterra’s English translation done during the spring 2016.
Hi, Yes. They will be in time. As soon as we get some of them translated and/or done, they’ll be available on DrivethruRPG.
– Miska